Civic Voice responds to the Government’s High Streets PDR consultation

The state of the UK's high streets has been the cause of much discussion and several reports to Government in recent years. Many places have created their own strategies for regenerating their centre but stronger measures are needed to help town and city centres survive and thrive.

The Government is consulting on proposals that will allow greater change of use to support high streets to adapt and diversify, support extending existing buildings upwards to create additional homes, and speed up the delivery of new homes.

Joan Humble, Chair of Civic Voice, said “The future of the nation's high streets is differentiation. To achieve that requires collaborative planning and long term visioning with the community at its hear, and the historic environment as its USP. Investing in the high street requires long-term planning and whilst the government believes the plans would help revive high streets and increase housing delivery, we think it may do the opposite and we may end up with poor quality designed housing without consideration for the wider built environment, something we know is key to successful high streets".

Civic Voice responded to the consultation and is also be hosting a Parliamentary meeting on the future of the nation's high streets on 25th February, where we are confident, this consultation will be discussed.